Top 5 Favorite Bands

  • Cold War Kids
  • Damien Rice
  • Muse, the Hullabaloo Album
  • Portugal. The man

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Why So Serious? Who I am

I am a left brain- don't get me wrong, I love writing music and all, but music theory is extremely mathematical.
I am political. So political that my car is the only one at Lone Peak with a Bernie Sanders bumper sticker and on my 18th Birthday I had a ceremony where I officially registered as a Democrat. I wait in line for hours to go to political rallies, watch every single presidential debate, read the news like the Bible, and am a Utah State Democratic Delegate.
I am a manager at Pizza Pie Cafe and President of the Lone Peak Debate Team and run the Street Music Club and it's taken me years to finally realize that being nice doesn't always mean you have to be passive. 
I do a lot of things. 
I don't smile unless I actually mean it and I flip people off way too often ah

And in all honesty, I'm not the red-type-personality-robotic-work-machine-untouchable-brick of emotion" that I usually pretend to be. 
My biggest fear isn't failing, it's succeeding and being lonely at the top.

(ALSO-I swear I had the timing and everything perfect on my video editing program, but then when I converted it to MP4, suddenly it got all screwed up, so sorry that I repeat some phrases in this short film during transitions. Movies are not my thing.) 


    i love your writing so much and it was even better out loud

  2. I love your blog so much!!! Always have. This reveal is AMAZING :)

  3. I've got a Bernie and a hillary sticker. is that even legal?

  4. you

  5. ANNAAA I KNEW THIS WAS YOU ALL ALONG MISSY but hahaha probation you drive like a maniac but we need drivers like you on the roads and this reveal is impeccable

  6. ANNA you're so good at slam poetry like that one time at the comp where you destroyed and got the highest score like YER YOU'RE GOOD

  7. ANNA I LOOK UP TO YOU SO MUCH! You are empowering, ambitious, intelligent, and you tell people what's up which is something that inspires me and others. I've loved reading your blog. It's an important place and you are an important person doing important things. You rule. Thanks for being you.

  8. You're amazing at slam poetry, wow. I want to listen to you live. You were one of my absolute favorite blogs. Everything you wrote was so original and different and thought out. You really impress me.

  9. wow. just wow. thats all i can say. this was one of my favorite blogs, and i'm glad to know it's you now. you are a very smart and intelligent person and i loved reading your blog. applause for you.
