Top 5 Favorite Bands

  • Cold War Kids
  • Damien Rice
  • Muse, the Hullabaloo Album
  • Portugal. The man

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Menstrual Cycle- A Guide to Being Socially Acceptable when on Your Period.

You'd think it was a drug exchange.

Handed under desks, slipped between hands, you can find them anywhere but in conversations 

Tampons. TAMPONS?!!

 Pads. Midol. Ibuprofen. 

Bleeding, emotional, food craving mess, right? 

WARNING AVOID THE EMOTIONAL GIRL SHE IS PROBABLY ON HER PERIOD. Approach with caution. Throw chocolate from a safe distance. And whatever you do- DON'T TALK ABOUT PERIODS

(Note- it tends to make people uncomfortable when you compare menstrual cycles to food.)

Oh, you're on your period and needing a tampon? Don't you dare ask for it in a way that people will hear, because the topic makes them feel uncomfortable. Use hushed voices. Don't let them see when you pass them.

Feeling in pain and just need some ibuprofen? If you ask for it, make up a problem other then your period to justify your purist. A period is just as normal as a headache, but only one of those two seem to make people feel uncomfortable.

In fact even mentioning period cramps and pain will get you raised eyebrows and a "TMI girl". Girl, that's gross.

If you are on your period. Suffer in silence. It may be normal occurrence, but it certainly does not appear in normal conversation.

Want to be socially acceptable while on your period? Don't mention it, no matter the pain or need.

There's something hinting at misogyny when females have to shut up about the pain that will never be felt by a man, because it will make them uncomfortable.