Top 5 Favorite Bands

  • Cold War Kids
  • Damien Rice
  • Muse, the Hullabaloo Album
  • Portugal. The man

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Liberal Mormon

Most people I interact with are surprised to learn I am a Mormon and the people in my church were shocked when they realized the car with the "Bernie Sanders" bumper sticker was mine. 

I don't quite know what to say when my transgender friend is home from college and starts talking about the intolerance of religious people, and how much it hurts them.

I completely support them, but at the same time I

I don't really know what to think when the leadership of my church talks about the role of women in the home, and when my bishop disapproves that I don't want to marry until I have a PHD.

I want to be a mother and all, but I have huge career ambitions and I

I don't always know how to react when my favorite politicians are so pro choice and the my church doesn't even want marriage equality and I still don't understand why Christians are generally more fiscally conservative and if Ted Cruz believes in the Bible so strongly why does he hate immigrants so much and when I go to political conventions I'm the only one from my family the only one from my neighborhood and one of the only ones there to go to seminary and I just

Most of my friends are atheists.

(I hate super delegates as much as I love Bernie. 2K16!!!)

But I am Liberal despite the fact I am Mormon the way I am happy despite the markings on my body. I am proud to call myself American but that doesn't mean I forget my Slovenian. I am a left brained despite the obscure political art I do and the songs I write.

Categories are not always boxes you fit yourself into, but paths that you create.

And this probably gave away who I am but that's ok.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

If I met the male equivalent of my personality- a theoretical love story about myself.

At first I thought he was a bit of a player.
His personality was a bit flirty, and all his friends were girls.

That was kind of a turnoff at first

But then we got into an argument over macroeconomics in 3rd period and I knew that we had to be friends
All my friends are guys anyways so it works

We very easily could have stayed just friends.

But then we were hanging out and decided to go to a concert for a band we had never heard of before. When we drove back, you rolled down the windows of your car, played your music as loud as possible, and sang along with the artist-even though my voice is definitely sub-par.

We drove up the mountains and played guitar together. We wrote songs about social issues because writing about your feelings is too cliche.

We'd make eye contact.

The day after he kissed me, I greatly regretted letting you do it. When we passed each other in the halls, our eyes hit the floor, and we pretended not to see each other because being vulnerable was scary to him.
It could have ended there. We easily could have never talked again. That happens a lot.

We liked each other, obviously, but we were both far too scared of commitment.

So we continued to go on dates.

We were both so incredibly busy. He drove to my house at 1 in the morning when I was sad, and I worked 15 hours on Saturday so that I would be free to spend time with him on Thursday.
I never cancelled plans on with him, because he knew how sad it made me when people did that.

We loved to listen to music and go on hikes in the middle of the night. We'd free climb and cliff jump and color on walls of abandoned houses and not say a word-- but that's ok because we didn't need to.

But our friends never wanted to take us to movies because we'd talk the entire time.

We'd talk about weird deep things, and make fun of the world-but never the people in it. 
We understood each other's humor- cynical and sarcastic. With lots of puns.

When I told him about the sad things in my life he held my hand and said that he understood exactly how I felt. And when he was sad, his personality disappeared, but I knew how to bring it back

Everyone said we should just date. But he was pragmatic, and when he asked about it, I said that there was no point because it would have to end after high school, and he said that made sense.

Setting ourselves up for heart break was scary. And he didn't want to get hurt. So I never made a move to become more.

But it was great while it lasted.

When high school ended, we parted ways, promising that we'd stay in touch. But he hates texting. I thought relationships kept intact solely with electronics were toxic.

We texted for a week. Neither of us asked about each other's love lives, even though we both wanted to know. He played it cool. I pretended like the separation didn't have as big of an impact on me as it did. But then both of us sent "goodnight" at the same time one night, and because he didn't want to be the first one to send a message after he was already the last one, I never texted him again.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Test your humanity with one question

When was the last time you gave money or food to a starving person begging for it on the streets?

My personal philosophy in 7 words or less is "I hate humans, but I love people"

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Menstrual Cycle- A Guide to Being Socially Acceptable when on Your Period.

You'd think it was a drug exchange.

Handed under desks, slipped between hands, you can find them anywhere but in conversations 

Tampons. TAMPONS?!!

 Pads. Midol. Ibuprofen. 

Bleeding, emotional, food craving mess, right? 

WARNING AVOID THE EMOTIONAL GIRL SHE IS PROBABLY ON HER PERIOD. Approach with caution. Throw chocolate from a safe distance. And whatever you do- DON'T TALK ABOUT PERIODS

(Note- it tends to make people uncomfortable when you compare menstrual cycles to food.)

Oh, you're on your period and needing a tampon? Don't you dare ask for it in a way that people will hear, because the topic makes them feel uncomfortable. Use hushed voices. Don't let them see when you pass them.

Feeling in pain and just need some ibuprofen? If you ask for it, make up a problem other then your period to justify your purist. A period is just as normal as a headache, but only one of those two seem to make people feel uncomfortable.

In fact even mentioning period cramps and pain will get you raised eyebrows and a "TMI girl". Girl, that's gross.

If you are on your period. Suffer in silence. It may be normal occurrence, but it certainly does not appear in normal conversation.

Want to be socially acceptable while on your period? Don't mention it, no matter the pain or need.

There's something hinting at misogyny when females have to shut up about the pain that will never be felt by a man, because it will make them uncomfortable.