Top 5 Favorite Bands

  • Cold War Kids
  • Damien Rice
  • Muse, the Hullabaloo Album
  • Portugal. The man

Sunday, February 21, 2016

3 moments that changed my life

1. Riding alone on a front runner train from Salt Lake city at age 15. I was very tired.
College kid sits next to me. Shaggy hair and downward eyes he says- can you read something for me?
Out from his backpack he pulls out an essay titled "love".
He hands it to me.
I read.
His words paint an abusive childhood and a little boy with Shaggy hair and wet eyes running away from parents who did anything but parent him.
They draw a loving couple who takes him in and takes him on drives through the mountain. Who love him very much.

But who can never adopt him.
Who can never marry.
Because both members are men.

I stop reading.
He says he still doesn't know why.
His eyes are on the ground

2. My friend's entire family except for a little brother and older brother on a mission were killed in plane crash.

I sat in the crowed at the funeral.

My friend gets up and speaks.

17 going on 30 ; there is so much pain on his face

But his words are woven with hope. And God.

 3. I sit on a rock in a beach in california. And for the first time in over a year, felt peace and realized how beautiful the world was.

I remember that really well actually.


  1. I've been writing and rewriting this comment for the last 60 seconds because I can't put into words how this made me feel.

  2. I don't completely understand the first moment but I think that's how it's supposed to be

  3. I really like this idea, 3 moments that changed my life, this is different from other posts, awesome job

  4. The honesty and raw content of this is stunning. I am speechless. Thank you for sharing these experiences.
